TDS Return Filing

We can help you file TDS returns of your business in a hassle free manner while you sit at your place with just a few clicks via online.


TDS return must be filed by all entities having TAN registration every quarter. File TDS return through online with our TDS Expert Support.

Form 24Q

This form is to be filled in respect to a tax deduction on payment of employee salary. This return is to be filed by all the employers in India.

Form 26Q

This form is to be filled in respect to tax deductions on transactions other than payment of salary, such as on rent, professional fees, interests, dividends, payment to contractors etc.

Form 26QB

The purpose of this form filing TDS Returns with regard to a deduction on income from the sale of immovable property in India.

Form 27Q

The purpose of filing of this type of return is to furnish details of the transactions in respect to the foreign payments made.

Form 27EQ

TCS Return is filed with respect to the tax collection at source on transactions such as sale of liquor, tendu leaves, scrap sales, timber, etc.

Form 27D

This type of form is filled for obtaining the certificate of Tax Collected at Source or the TCS. This certificate of TCS validates the return filed in Form 27EQ.Â